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Engineering Drawings

Our professional engineering team can provide technical illustrations for all aspects of your project.

Full-Service Provider

Comply With Code

CellSite Solutions can provide necessary engineering drawings for our remanufactured telecommunication buildings and equipment often needed for code or permit approvals. These detailed drawings showcase the quality, precision, and reliability of our telecom hubs, ensuring that each shelter is built to withstand the rigorous demands of the telecommunications industry. By offering comprehensive engineering designs, we demonstrate our commitment to excellence and provide transparency in the remanufacturing process.


Engineering documents are essential for documenting and communicating your site plan to various vendors and civil agencies. Both during an initial telecom site build and when adding to or modifying a site, quality drawings can speed approvals and even the build itself.

Our engineers will draft the layout and communication buildings on your telecom site to show structural soundness, placement of materials, and compliance with local building codes. We offer both OSP and ISP drawings to document your whole investment.

Telecom Site Planning
Full-Service Provider

What We Include

  • Orthogonal drawings: front,
  • Side and top
  • Dimensions
  • Scale
  • Projection
  • Standards (ASME Y14/ANSI Y14)


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